Telemarketing Interface

Telemarketer interface


Company: SRVR

Role: UX/UI Designer

Task: Create an admin application that is designed to make telemarketers jobs easier as well as track essential metrics.

Technologies Used: Sketch, Invision, HTML, CSS, Javascript


In order to improve the performance of their telemarketers, SRVR needed an application that would track performance indicators, where in the sales process the telemarketer was with a particular prospect, and even switch between their various companies.

Information gathering

I worked with the managers and developers on this project to understand the needs and technical limitations. It became very clear that the primary goal of this application was transparency into what was going on so that other departments could have insights into the value being delivered.

The solution

Because this was an application that would be viewed for hours on end, I went with a dark palette to reduce eye strain of the users.

The top tabbed navigation colors corresponded to the progress bar on the left to ensure that the user always knew exactly where he was in the sales process.

My goal was not only transparency to other departments, but to the users themselves.